Temple Mahadevamalai Tamil Nadu

Since 2011, Sri La Sri Maha-Ananda Siddha, the 19th Siddha (Agastya Maharishi is the 1st Siddha of this lineage) has been building a large temple in Mahadevamalai, near Vellore, a three-hour drive from both Chennai and Bangalore, which will be of great importance to the earth and humanity for the coming Satyayuga. Siddha once said that it will be one of the most important places on earth energetically and that people from all over the world will come to receive the blessings of this place. There is no official building plan for the temple. Siddha carries it in his consciousness. With over 150 workers, he has been working tirelessly day and night for over 10 years on the construction of this temple. 

According to Mahananda Siddha, every person who visits this place in the future will be freed from karmic influences and experience healing. Mahananda Siddha says that this temple will exist until the universe dissolves (Pralaya). Many thousands of people now visit the temple every day. 

It is a great honor and a great blessing for us that Mahananda Siddha accepts donations from In Harmony with Nature e.V., as he does not accept donations from everyone.  If you would like to support this heart project, which will be of great importance to the earth and humanity in the times to come, please do so by making a donation or becoming a sponsor with a monthly donation. Every cent reaches the temple. Whenever 2000.00 euros have been collected, the donations will be handed over.

Donation Account

In Harmony with Nature e.V. 

DE 75 4306 0967 1250 46 1000

If you would like to join the N E W S L E T T E R and/ or are interested in our projects or have any questions, please write to us.  We look forward to your message!

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