Wednesday, 29.11.2023 between 5.30 and 7.30 pm

Jiva Nadi Lesungen with Sriraman 

Registration: [email protected] or via What's App on 0176/ 70329725. 
The reading is on a donation basis. 

The next Jiva Nadi readings with Sriraman will take place on Wednesday, October 18, at 5:30 and 7:30 pm. Each reading is scheduled for 20 minutes. From 17.00 -17.30 you will have the opportunity to participate in a half-hour introductory lecture, which Stephanie Bunk will give for all interested people about the background of the Rishi, Siddhas, the turning of the times and the change of the ages. Please register in advance!
Sriraman has been directly connected with Agastya Maharishi and the lineage of the 19 Siddhas for more than 25 years. Agastya Maharishi works and operates directly through him and his consciousness, which is also known as Jiva Nadi (living connection). Several years ago Sriraman received the message from Agastya Maharishi that he himself is a Siddha and that whenever Sriraman accompanies people, Agastya is in his consciousness and works through him. 
On this basis, Sriraman is able to receive and see the blueprint of your soul based only on the information of your name and date of birth. 
In this reading, Sriraman remains essential without any frills and gets to the root of the energetic problems. He tells people what their spiritual gifts and abilities are and at the same time identifies the energetic blockages that prevent you from connecting with your soul forces and staying permanently connected with them. 
Sriraman has received all the instruments of Siddham medicine as blessings over the last 25 years, which are considered to be one of the most energetically powerful instruments and highest frequency medicine systems in the world, to help people in the present time to clear and transform their own energies and to raise and adapt them to the level of the new coming age. It is one of his tasks to pass these instruments on to people.
Why these tools are so important for you at this time: 

To make it easier for you and your energy field to adapt to the new frequency of the new age and to walk in harmony with the current processes of nature. 
To connect you permanently with the forces of your soul and stay connected so that you can also use these forces. At present, many artificially generated frequencies are superimposed on people's souls and make it difficult for them to permanently access the forces and the natural frequency of the soul
To turbo-charge your spiritual development.
To use the immense and unique opportunity of the current transformational possibility of the present time quality for you and your path
To help shape the change in the light-filled ascension process.
To be protected from disharmonious energies and energetic attacks that affect people at this time in the form of frequencies.
To help not only you, but also nature, to generate as much light-filled energy as possible in order to create a strong energetic counterbalance to the disharmonious energies that are currently affecting the earth and people.

Sunday, 12.11.2023 between 9.00 and 12.00 a.m.

Arati - Online-Workshop

"Learn the Arati and energetically transform your home environment into a temple"

On Sunday, 12.11.2023 between 9.00 - 12.00 am you are cordially invited to the introductory workshop to learn the Arati with Stephanie Bunk. 

In 2014, when Stephanie founded the yoga and siddha center ZEITWANDEL in Markdorf, she wanted to express her deep gratitude to her spiritual teachers Agastya Maharishi and Lubamitra for their love and guidance, who had come into her life in a touching way in 2013. During her yoga teacher training, she had learned the Arati, a lighting ceremony in which lights and incense are offered to the divine in front of an altar while mantras are recited. Stephanie began practicing Arati in the morning and evening. As she had seen in the Indian temples, some days they put fruit on the altar, others not, because she was unsure whether Agastya would even notice. One day she received a call from India. Messages had come for her from Agastya Maharishi via the Jiva Nadi, a form of palm leaf library through which various people are directly connected to Agastya and are under his direct guidance. Agastya sent her the message: That they were very happy about the Arati and the lights she would light daily at the center. But she would sometimes put fruit and sometimes not. She should always put down fruit. This message touched her deeply in her heart. Since then, she has been performing the Arati at the center 1-2 times a day in the morning and evening and always adds a piece of fruit, which is blessed by Agastya Maharishi. 

The Arati has a great power to transform the disharmonious domestic energies and also energetic fields beyond the boundaries of the house. It invites the presence of God to work positively for people in their domestic environment and enables disharmonious fields to be harmonized and charged with positive energy. The light and the mantras recited transform the negative influences and cleanse the energy field of the house. After just a short time, residents and visitors will notice that the energy in their surroundings is changing positively and full of light. 

Especially in the current times, it is so important to bring as much light and love as possible into the collective and to invite the presence of God to work for us in order to provide a positive counterweight to the negative counterforces of the current times. The Arati is a simple and great tool to place one's own living space under divine protection and blessing. Performing the Arati ceremony was a natural part of people's lives in ancient times, when Vedic knowledge was still very present on earth. 

In this workshop you will learn precisely how to perform the Arati. Stephanie will give you spiritual background knowledge about the Arati. You will perform the arati together in the group so that you can perform it independently and confidently at home after the workshop. 

To prepare for the workshop, you will need: tea lights, plates, fruit, incense sticks, a small altar and a small bell. You will receive the Zoom link the evening before. 

Costs: 35,00 Euro. You can secure and book your place via the order button. If you do not have a Paypal account, you can also transfer directly to the In Harmony with Nature e.V. account: DE 75 4306 0967 1250 46 1000 - GENODEM1GLS

If you would like to join the N E W S L E T T E R and/ or are interested in our projects or have any questions, please write to us.  We look forward to your message!

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