Atma Mandir Bremen

The ATMA MANDIR was built in 2016 under the guidance of Sri Agastyar Rishi and Sri La Sri Mahanandha Siddha by Sriraman on the grounds of the Ilse-Eickhoff-Akademie in Blumental, Bremen. 

Although at first glance it appears to be a Hindu temple, the ATMA MANDIR has nothing to do with religion or any dogmatic system. Rather, it encompasses the original and universal energetic forces of nature that affect people and nature, as well as their harmonization and balance. These are, for example, the five elements and the planetary energies.

The ATMA MANDIR is one of the rare "Parihara Sthalams". These are particularly powerful places that can be visited to connect with certain energetic aspects of nature in order to transform one's own energies. The Atma Mandir is, among other things, a place of healing, liberation and dissolution of karmic issues. 

Divine harmony is particularly strong at the Atma Mandir. It is a place of stillness, peace and power. It acts like a recharging station that harmonizes, transforms and rebalances your own energies. 

The temple is open and can be visited at any time. The visit is free of charge. If you would like to take some time out and stay overnight, you can book your accommodation with delicious meals directly at the Ilse Eickhoff Academy (see below for contact details). 

If you are also interested in finding out your birth star and connecting directly with its blessing at the temple, you can contact Dominic Kramer (04209/ 6791905) at least one week in advance to find out about it.


Atma Mandir Bremen
On the property of the
Ringofenstraße 58
28779 Bremen 
Phone: 0421 / 602216 bzw. 0171 /1450108

If you have any questions, please contact the Ilse-Eickhoff Academy directly.

Structure of the Atma Mandir

Donation account

In Harmony with Nature e.V. 

DE 75 4306 0967 1250 46 1000

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