Our Social Projects
Support us in our heart project for a better world in the form of a donation! The "In Harmony with Nature e.v." has set up a sub-account for each donation project so that every cent goes where you intended it to go. The respective donation link automatically assigns your donation to your desired project.
Through projects of the heart that anyone can carry out anywhere in the world, we want to inspire and sustainably change the world together. Through positive and harmonious actions in harmony with creation and our hearts, we shape the world into a place of love, harmony, joy and beauty. In Love with Mother Earth deals with topics such as permaculture, projects and schools for children of the new age, zero waste, community building, alternative healing methods and animal welfare. We want to bring together the best ideas, create new ones with you, inspire you and encourage you to initiate smaller and larger world-changing projects that you can initiate independently and self-determinedly in the place of your choice.
The founding team came together at a congress in October 2018. The ANANDA school initiative has developed a concept for the children of the new era in a true labor of love. "ANANDA" means joy that comes from within. The concept enables children and young people between the ages of 6 and 17 to receive a high-quality education and to come into harmony with their body, mind and soul at an early age in order to lay the foundations for a joyful future from an early age. The concept has been approved by the Tübingen Regional Council. The project has received official permission to open an ANANDA school on Lake Constance. Since 2023, the project has also had a yurt on Lake Constance where community events are held regularly.
The "People in Joy" project is committed to providing direct help to children and adults at home and abroad who find themselves in emergency situations in the areas of education, medical treatment and food. The project focuses primarily on individual fates, but also collects donations for project goals, e.g. from cooperation partners. With the help of the heart power of the community, combined with fundraising campaigns, we build up a pot of donations and, after thorough examination, hand them over directly to people at home and abroad to help them transform their emergency situation so that they can live in joy and more carefree or have opportunities for further development and potential development. If you would like to support us, you can make a sponsorship or a one-off donation with the following purpose: Helping people in joy to make other people happy. In addition to selected individual fates, as a project partner we support less well-off patients of the Patel Ayurveda Hospital in Nadiad, India, a world-renowned Ayurveda hospital and training institute, with great treatment successes, even with more serious illnesses, by supporting them with the costs of treatment and medication.
School Project
850,000 children are currently out of school in Bameda, Cameroon after a civil war broke out in 2016, which continues to this day and is being fueled by separatist movements. As a result, all public schools have been closed. We will open the 1st ANANDA school in Bameda as a private school in order to slowly reopen the children to education. A small house with two rooms is currently available for the project, which is to be converted into a large property in the long term.
Water Project
Women and children in Cameroon sometimes have to walk several kilometers to water holes every day to wash clothes and get drinking water. They carry the heavy jugs many kilometers to their homes. As water is vital, girls are often unable to go to school because they have to help their mothers and families. We are helping to build solar-powered wells that will supply 10,000 people with fresh drinking water and thus guarantee that the girls can go to school.
In India, despite legal protection, many cows are in a very bad way. They suffer from severe hunger every day, some of them carry several kilograms of plastic in their bellies and have injuries. Our cow project starts in Rishiskesh and is managed there by our wonderful friends Ashish and Marie. The aim is to set up permanent feeding stations for the cows, provide them with medical care and find places where they are protected.
Cows are sacred animals that are very close and dear to Shiva. In Vedic mythology, the cow is also regarded as Shiva's mount, known as Nandi. Many aspects of cows are used in Vedic ceremonies to maintain the cosmic balance of the earth: Cow dung to ignite the sacred fire and keep it burning, and milk, yogurt and ghee as offerings to the fire. No other animal is assigned this role in the pujas. The cow is a symbol of the mother who gives life.
General Donation Account
In Harmony with Nature e.V.
DE 75 4306 0967 1250 46 1000
If you would like to join the N E W S L E T T E R and/ or are interested in our projects or have any questions, please write to us. We look forward to your message!
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